Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Astral Planes and Bloody Knees

I looked up
head tilted back
the weight of summer 
beared down hard 

Warm concrete beneath my feet 
dissected by power lines
my backyard sky glowed blue and pink
the colors viewed
through my merlot haze 

the arrival of June
ushered in beasts
I bloodied both knees 
during Mercury Retrograde
the visit was a brief and painful one

June's departure left raw
tender grief
my papa left too
two days after the summer solstice    

the beasts remained,
The earth kept turning.

The skies look down 
governing us,
maybe they're judging us
laughing at our earthly misadventures
Looking up, it makes me wonder

and looking skyward makes me think of him 
his old man grin
remembering the way light would look on beige carpet floors
entering through the slats of blinds 
and doors 
of his house he no longer occupies 
and never will again 

My slice of sky, a reminder tonight
of the tails and trails of cosmic dust               
I saw while sitting outside 
during a meteor shower 
and called him on his last birthday
last winter.

Now July
I ask of you 
please be kinder 
be more gentle
my knees are healing
but look the way I imagine my heart does now, 
scabbed over 
and wont to crack at any time.


  1. Seems familiar, did you post something similar before? but as usual I love it.

  2. I little redundant I think, I was worried abt that. My backyard sky is muse like in different seasons though!
